Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My current status on life

So it has been awhile since my last time blogging and a lot has happened. Most importantly a lot has happened in my walk with Jesus. To begin I have only listened to Christian music for the past two months. It has had the biggest impact on my life, you couldn't even imagine unless you have done it for yourself. This small step has just increased my longer and desire to be closer to Jesus, just as the song Closer by Shawn McDonald says "you can have all of me, anything, everything I just want to be even closer to you", that is my prayer for this year! Secondly, I have been going to Sunday school and church everyweek since before Thanksgiving. Before I started going to church regularly I found it harder to do my devotions, focus of God, even care about anything more than going to work and making money. Now four months later even if im exhausted I wake up and go because I have seen the tremendous change it has done in my life! Third, I have started reading the Bible from beginning to end. Throughout my Christian life I have read parts of the Bible but not in its entirety. It hit me that if I want to have a relationship with the God of the universe I have to take the time to read and listen to what he is telling me. To make any relationship to work you have to learn about eachother and the Bible is God's gift for us to learn and grow in him! It is sometimes a struggle, sometimes i get too "busy" or just don't feel like doing it but I am trying to push through it and do it! The fourth and final point I am going to make is that I am still going regularly to youth group! I have always gone faithfully to youth group and have loved it! The thing is now that I am making the rest of my life revolve around God and things reflecting him I am getting more out of youth group and I am loving it so much more! I feel God's presence there more than ever and I am even making friends with people I've known for years and have never even talked to much. My life is completely changed now and I can honestly say I am a new person!

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