Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So this here is my kitty Simba. He is my world! I love him so much! To start and interesting story off I am not a cat person, generally I don't like them much. In 2008 I got this other cat named Spunky. He was evil and vicious to everyone except me, he was my buddy. One week after Spunky's 1st birthday he went to the vet to be neutered and to make a long sad story short he was put to sleep for being a "threat to society". A couple of days later I went to the pound to pick out a new kitten. When me and my sister got back into the room there were a lot of kittens and this one older very gross looking kitty and I went over to him. We instantly bonded and I knew that he was the one for me! After arguing with my sister over him I asked the attendent if she could hold him till the weekend when my mom can come pay for him. The lady said he was scheduled to be euthenized the next day and my heart just sank. Then she said if we were definetly going to come back for him she could keep him until Saturday for us! I was so estatic! I called my mom right away and that Saturday we went and picked up Simba. He has now been with us for two years and he is my buddy! He sleeps with me, follows me around the house, plays with me, everything you would expect from a dog not a cat! When I move out of my mom's house I don't know what I will do without him! It shall be a sad tearful day!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Aww... I want to save a kitty! My parents say no:(
Love your blog! I found it from Laurens blog...
<3 alli