Monday, March 28, 2011

"Secret Life"

It's monday March 28 and what does that mean?? It means that the spring premiere of Secret Life of the American Teenager is tonight! To begin, I love this show, I am addicted! But it does raise questions in my mind.... It makes me think about how often teen pregnancy happens now a days, and it is soo common that it doesn't even surprise people when it happens! That should be alarming, like what has this world come to? About 900,000 teen girls between the age of 15-19 get pregnant ever year. That is jaw dropping! Then on top of that an American girl gets pregnant at a rate of 12 times higher than that of a girl in the Netherlands. Wow! Then there is the issue of STD's which 3 million, yes million, teenagers are infected with a STD each year in the U.S.! What happened to modesty, and purity! Why do people/ more importantly teenagers risk all that for the tiniest bit of pleasure? I just don't understand.