Thursday, October 21, 2010

they don't make movies like the used to

Has anyone noticed how movies these days seem to be getting more lame and less unique each time one is made? What happened to classics like princess bride or anne of green gables? Those movies have such good dialogue and such an amazing story line. They are humorous, cute and not dirty! Is that not what people want to see anymore? This culture has twisted everything so that in order for the movie to be good and entertaining it has to have 5 sex scenes and drop the F-bomb every other word. How does that make a good movie? Atleast in my opinion it doesn't! It actually sickens me to see what this culture is bringing about! There aren't even any good pure wholesome family movies! They even indicate something sexual or vulgar! Being vulgar doesn't make good movies or tv! People need to get their facts straight!

1 comment:

Allison said...

I totally know what you mean! I loe the old classics! How come all people want to see is the "yucky" stuff??
<3 alli